Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
This double lesson covers:
The reasons for prioritising business tasks
The factors which influence task prioritisation
How to use information to inform prioritisation
Assigning priorities
Changing priorities
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
This set of resources includes 2x PPT which can be delivered over 4 lessons (70 slides of engaging and interactive learning) and 3x word files consisting of an essay exam style question and matching activity.
Learners are introduced to the world of stakeholders - their interests, conflicts, how to manage stakeholders and influences on relationships.
This first double lesson introduces learners to the various stakeholders, we start by looking at the different types of stakeholders involved in a business, we then look at their key interests, a choice of tasks on how to consolidate this is offered (two worksheets - matching for lowers and non-matching for more challenge) followed by evaluating the most important interest for each stakeholders. Once students know the interests well, we can start to look at how stakeholders might conflict with each other - a few examples given here.
We read a case study on Unilever, students prepare presentations on whether they should focus on shareholders or stakeholders, this is in the form of an essay question so students could answer it after the presentation as a 25 marker, or for homework. Structure guidance and concise points that would be the main focus of the answer is provided. A box plenary to finish
The second double lesson builds on the previous lesson on stakeholders, now the focus is on resolving conflicts between stakeholders, we look at the influence of different types of stakeholders, some activities to engage students to consolidate this. A 12 mark quetsion on meeting stakeholders needs, structure guidance and a concise model answer is provided , plus marking grids for self and peer assessment. We also look at the consequences of not listening to stakeholders with a task on the controversial HS2 railway. A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This set of resources includes 1x PPT which can be delivered over 3 lessons and 3x word files consisting of decision tree calculations and exam practice questions.
Learners are introduced to how decisions are made i.e. scientifically through evidence or through intuition, pros and cons of both are looked at. We also look at risks, rewards, uncertainty, opportunity cost and how this could affect decision making as well as influences such as the mission and objectives of the business.
We look at decision trees and break down step by step the construction of them so students can grasp this tricky concept with ease. Plenty of practice of calculations such as expected value and net gain. A variety of tasks to consolidate this knowledge through discussions, research and case studies. Two exam style questions, with model answers and marking grids so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI with their answers.
A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This set of resources includes 3x PPT which can be delivered over 4 lessons (82 slides of engaging and interactive learning) and 2x word documents with an exam question and activity.
Learners are introduced to the distinction between management and leadership styles including autocratic, democratic, paternalistic and laissez faire. We also cover the Tannebaum-Schmidt continuum.
We start by looking at the role of a manager and what it entails before looking at the differences in comparison to a leader. Lots of short concise case studies to help students contextualise. A variety of activities to consolidate knowledge through discussions, videos, research and exam style questions. Exam questions come with model answers and marking grids so students can self/peer asssess to identify WWW and EBI with their responses before making improvements.
Links to three kahoot quizzes and box plenaries to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This set of resources includes 3x PPTs which can be delivered over 4 lessons (over 50 slides of engaging and interactive learning) and 2x word files.
Learners are introduced to the process and value of segmentation, targeting and positioning (including market mapping). We look at the four main market segments - demographic, geographic, income and behavioural. We then focus on mass vs niche marketing.
A variety of individual and group tasks to consolidate this knowledge through discussions, research and case studies. Real life examples given to help students consolidate and contextualise their knowledge.
Kahoot quizzes and box plenaries included.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This set of resources includes 2x PPTs which can be delivered over 3 lessons (over 60 slides of engaging and interactive learning) and 2x word files consisting of exam practice questions.
4.2 and 4.3 have been joined to provide a clearer delivery of the topics i.e. capacity utilisation calculations (4.2) and how to improve capacity (4.3) etc.
Learners are introduced to the concept of capacity in business, how to calculate capacity, problems of too low or too high capacity and how to improve capacity. In the next powerpoint we look at, efficiency, unit costs, lean production, just in time vs just in case and labour productivity - calculations and how to improve these aspects in business.
Many real life examples are given throughout the bundle to help students contextualise. A variety of tasks to consolidate this knowledge through discussions, research and case studies and more. Exam questions, with model answers and marking grids so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI with their answers.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This set of resources includes 2x PPTs which can be delivered over 3 lessons (over 70 slides of engaging and interactive learning) and 2x word files consisting of exam practice and activities.
Learners are introduced to influences on job design such as rotation and enrichment before going onto organisational design. We look at different organisational structures including structures based on product, function, region, matrix, centalised and decentralised. We also look at the human resource flow, focusing on each aspect of the recruitment process.
Many examples are given throughout the bundle to help students contextualise. A variety of tasks to consolidate this knowledge through discussions, case studies and more. Exam questions, with model answers and marking grids so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI with their answers.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This set of resources includes 1x PPTs which can be delivered over 2 lessons and 1x word file of a case study and exam practice question.
This double lesson introduces learners to motivation, we look at both the four theories and the variety of ways to motivate in practice. We start with looking at the four theorists, step by step with discussion, a short case study to apply the knowledge with answers on the powerpoint.
We then go onto look at financial and non financial methods of motivation before looking at a case study of a company that has been voted as one of the best places to work - we investigate what makes it such a good place to work, a 24 mark question based on this with structure guidance and a model answer provided.
Two links to kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
Learners are introduced to different forms of employee representation such as trade unions, work councils and employee committees. We look at each, with videos for contextualisation, a research task and 4 mark question with a model answer.
A kahoot quiz on various topics from year 1 as this is the last lesson.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
All extracts come in the new source booklet format to replicate the real exam experience this summer 2023
A 2 hour/100 mark assessment
A 60 minute/50 mark assessment
A 30 minute/30 mark assessment (to push with time management)
An exam practice booklet with 4 questions for further exam practice in class or for homework
Complete mark schemes for all questions
Interactive PDFs and standard versions so assessments can be completed digitally or printed out
Relevant and recent case studies based on the pre-release context - UK car market and businesses operating in this market
A PowerPoint with some brief key stats and figures on the UK car market which can be helpful for bringing in ‘own context’ in answers where applicable
Written by an experienced examiner for Edexcel A Level Business
This set of resources includes 2x PPT, 9x word files and can be delivered over 4-6 lessons. The best way to bring this topic to life is to play a hotel game where students are hotel owners and try to make the most profit by changing their prices over a period of months - students can see their live profit after each month.
We start by introducing the concepts of revenue, cost and profit through step by step animated examples before playing the hotel game. A few calculation activities to consolidate the formulas learnt by students with answers provided on the board for students to peer assess with.
Exam style calculation question with answers provided. A group presentation task with links to two kahoots and a box plenary to finish with for revenue, costs and profit.
In the next ppt, we start by looking at what contribution is before understanding break even and margin of safety. Lots of calculation practice to consolidate the formula, we then look at the pros and cons of using break even analysis, this is used for the exam style question which is based on a concise case study of a cake manufacturer. Structure guidance and model answer is provided for students to peer assess and improve their own answers.
Students have an opportunity to draw the BE chart with step by step instructions (not required to draw the BE chart in exam but it will help with understanding the chart). Two links to kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This 4 lesson (2x double lessons) bundle covers:
5.1 Internal and external stakeholders
5.2 Ways in which different stakeholder groups attempt to alter business behaviour
5.3 How businesses respond to the different conflicting objectives
5.4 The consequences to a business of not listening to its stakeholders
Filled with real life examples, case studies, questions, concise model answers to improve exam practice and kahoot quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
This double lesson introduces learners to the various stakeholders, we start by looking at the different types of stakeholders involved in a business, we then look at their key interests, a choice of tasks on how to consolidate this is offered (two worksheets - matching for lowers and non-matching for more challenge) followed by evaluating the most important interest for each stakeholders. Once students know the interests well, we can start to look at how stakeholders might conflict with each other - a few examples given here.
We read a case study on Unilever, students prepare presentations on whether they should focus on shareholders or stakeholders, this is in the form of an essay question so students could answer it after the presentation, or for homework. Structure guidance and concise points that would be the main focus of the answer is provided. A box plenary to finish
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This double lesson builds on the previous lesson on stakeholders, now the focus is on resolving conflicts between stakeholders, we look at the influence of different types of stakeholders, some activities to engage students to consolidate this. A 12 mark quetsion on meeting stakeholders needs, structure guidance and a concise model answer is provided to get students use to writing 12 mark essays in prepration for the x3 they will get in the unit 1 exam. We also look at the consequences of not listening to stakeholders with a task on the controversial HS2 railway. A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
This lesson introduces learnes to elasticity of supply. We look at the difference between elastic and inelastic supply, as well as perfectly inelastic and unitary elastic supply, with examples. We also look at the reasons that cause supply to be inelastic or elastic. Students have the opportunity to complete calculations with a model example done first.
A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
A 45 minute mini-assessment to help with gathering of evidence. A selection of questions from both themes and a case study on Amazon Fresh. Full mark scheme is provided - both question paper and mark scheme in PDF format.
Thank you
A mini-assessment with a full mark scheme provided - brand new, relevant and recent case studies on Nike.
Questions are on design mix, ethical sourcing, distribution channels and a 20 mark choice on online vs physical store
The new Edexcel GCSE Business knowledge book for theme 1 is ready to use!
The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval - completely aligned with the specification requirements.
This resource includes:
• Theme 1 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF)
• Bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links
• A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed
This can be used in a variety of ways, for example:
• Send electronically/upload for students to type into rather than print (most cost effective)
• Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class
• Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page
The new Edexcel GCSE Business knowledge book for theme 2 is ready to use!
The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval - completely aligned with the specification requirements.
This resource includes:
• Theme 2 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF)
• Bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links
• A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed
This can be used in a variety of ways, for example:
• Send electronically/upload for students to type into rather than print (most cost effective)
• Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class
• Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page
The new CTEC Business Unit 1 Knowledge book is here! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval for this unit - completely aligned with the specification requirements.
This resource includes:
• Unit 1 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF)
• 25 bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links
• 55 areas of the spec tested
• A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed
This can be used in a variety of ways, for example:
• Send electronically/upload for students to type in to rather than print (most cost effective)
• Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class
• Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page
Cambridge Technical Level 3 Business